Membership Levels and Benefits

FACC-Chicago 2024 Membership: Options and Benefits


Young Professionals Membership (up to 10 years of professional experience) - $100 / year

  • Preferential rates for all FACC-Chicago events for the registered member
  • Access to, and listing in the online Member Directory which includes FACC-Chicago network and members of other global French Chambers of Commerce (CCIs)
  • Invitation to dedicated Young Professionals networking events
  • Invitation to annual FACC-Chicago Young Professionals Job Fair
  • Complimentary resume/CV posting on Le Job Hub 


Individual Membership - $230 / year

  • Preferential rates for all FACC-Chicago events for the registered member and one guest
  • Access to and listing in the online Member Directory which includes FACC-Chicago network and members of other global French Chambers of Commerce (CCIs)
  • Invitation to members-only events
  • Invitation to dedicated Young Professionals networking events
  • Invitation to annual FACC-Chicago Young Professionals Job Fair
  • Complimentary CV and job announcement postings on Le Job Hub 
  • Eligibility to participate in our Professional Mentoring Program


Entrepreneur / Retail / Independent Consultant Membership - $400 / year

  • Preferential rates for all FACC-Chicago events for the registered member and one guest
  • Access to and listing in the online Member Directory which includes FACC-Chicago network and members of other global French Chambers of Commerce (CCIs)
  • Invitation to members-only events
  • Invitation to dedicated Young Professionals networking events
  • Invitation to annual FACC-Chicago Young Professionals Job Fair
  • Complimentary CV and job announcement postings on Le Job Hub 
  • Participation in our Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs Committee
  • For retail members: Eligibility to promote special offers to FACC-Chicago members
  • For entrepreneurs: Eligibility to participate in our Duo Mentoring Program
  • Eligibility for FACC-Chicago board of directors


Nonprofit Membership - $525 / year

  • Preferential rates for all FACC-Chicago events for the registered member and one guest
  • Access to, and listing in the online Member Directory which includes FACC-Chicago network and members of other global French Chambers of Commerce (CCIs)
  • Invitation to members-only events
  • Invitation to dedicated Young Professionals networking events
  • Invitation to annual FACC-Chicago Young Professionals Job Fair
  • Complimentary CV and job announcement postings on Le Job Hub 
  • Specific discounted rates on our customizable promotion package


SME Corporate Membership - $680 / year

  • Preferential rates for all FACC-Chicago events for the registered member and one guest
  • Access to, and listing in the online Member Directory which includes FACC-Chicago network and members of other global French Chambers of Commerce (CCIs)
  • Invitation to members-only events
  • Invitation to dedicated Young Professionals networking events
  • Invitation to annual FACC-Chicago Young Professionals Job Fair
  • Complimentary CV and job announcement postings on Le Job Hub 
  • Participation in our Small Businesses & Entrepreneurs Committee
  • For retail members: Eligibility to promote special offers to FACC-Chicago members
  • Eligibility to participate in our Duo Mentoring Program
  • Membership status and benefits for up to 5 local member company employees
  • Tailored introductions to up to 10 other FACC-Chicago members
  • Discounted rates on customized business development support services
  • Discounted rates on customizable website / publication / social media promotion packages
  • Option to host a CafĂ© & Conversation gathering with support from FACC-Chicago
  • Eligibility to participate in FACC-Chicago committees or working groups
  • Eligibility for office hosting services and J1 intern or VIE program
  • Eligibility for FACC-Chicago board of directors


Large Corporate Membership - $2,100 / year

  • Preferential rates for all FACC-Chicago events for the registered member and one guest
  • Access to, and listing in the online Member Directory which includes FACC-Chicago network and members of other global French Chambers of Commerce (CCIs)
  • Invitation to members-only events
  • Invitation to dedicated Young Professionals networking events
  • Invitation to annual FACC-Chicago Young Professionals Job Fair
  • Complimentary CV and job announcement postings on Le Job Hub 
  • Membership status and benefits for up to 20 local member company employees, and for visiting employees
  • Tailored introductions to other FACC-Chicago members
  • The Chamber can organize meetings with other FACC-Chicago members for an additional hourly rate
  • Discounted rates on customized business development support services
  • Discounted rates on customizable website / publication / social media promotion packages
  • Option to host a CafĂ© & Conversation gathering with support from FACC-Chicago
  • Eligibility to participate in FACC-Chicago committees or working groups
  • Host one event each year for our business community with logistical support from the FACC-Chicago
  • Access to expat employment support services for employees’ family
  • Eligibility for office hosting services and J1 intern or VIE program
  • Eligibility for our J1 Intern or VIE program
  • Eligibility for FACC-Chicago board of directors


Benefactor Level Membership - $4,200 / year

Benefactor members receive all the benefits of Large Corporate membership, plus:

  • Two tickets to our annual Nuit des Etoiles gala
  • Two tickets to Passport to France
  • Year-round logo placement on the FACC-Chicago website
  • Year-round logo placement on all e-blasts
  • Eligibility for FACC-Chicago board of directors
  • Customizable annual promotion and events package
  • Speaking opportunities at signature events (Gala & Passport to France)


Sponsor Level Membership - $9,000 / year

Sponsor members receive all the benefits of Benefactor membership, plus:

  • Advisory services throughout the year for marketing, digital, HR, tax, immigration
  • C-level introductions, Government Officials

Fill out the form below and become a member today!

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